What is Planning?
Planning Portal is the Kingdom of Bahrain’s official system used to avail various Planning Related Services including but not limited to the following.
- Land Subdivision
- Land Merging
- Land Rezoning Study
- Freeze Parcel
- Freeze Parcel Removal
- Subdivision with change of zone
- Plot Boundary zoning
- Parcel inquiry
- Allocate and register unregistered sites
- Update Title Deed based on New Area Plan
- Plot Zoning Certificate
- Land Adjustment of Private & Govt Plots
- Hydrodynamic Study
- Traffic Model
The system enables Engineering Offices licensed in the Kingdom of Bahrain to apply for different planning services requests on behalf of individuals and companies, enquire regarding application status, obtain consultations from concerned government entities regarding the different planning services and pay related fees. The system also allows applicants to obtain all necessary information to prepare drawings and documents required to apply for the planning related services.
Licensed Engineering Offices
These are highly experienced offices, licensed by The Council of Regulating the Practice of Engineering Professions, that have been granted a legal status to practice engineering related activities, including preparing drawings and documents necessary to apply for a different urban planning applications. Engineering Offices vary according to the category they have been classified as, which depends on the number, area of specialization, and age of experience of the engineers working for that office.
Role of UPDA & Other Government Entities
UPDA in coordination with other Government Entities Review, Study & Process all Urban Planning related requests, systematically directing urban development in a manner that meets all requirements and aspirations